Dental Bridge Risks In San Diego, CA

Understanding Dental Bridge Risks 

Dental bridges are a popular solution for replacing missing teeth, offering a natural look and functional support. However, like any dental procedure, they come with potential risks and complications that can affect their longevity and your oral health. Skilled San Diego, CA Dentist, Dr. Vaheed Bayette, explores these risks and shares practical tips to avoid complications, helping patients in San Diego, Chula Vista, La Mesa, El Cajon and the surrounding areas make informed decisions about their dental care.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to prevent dental bridge complications, contact our San Diego dental office by calling (619) 901-0708. 

Possible Complications of Dental Bridges

woman smilingTooth Sensitivity and Discomfort

After placing a dental bridge, it’s common to experience some sensitivity, especially to hot or cold foods. However, if sensitivity persists or worsens, it could indicate an issue with the fit or the underlying teeth.

Decay Underneath the Bridge

Dental bridges rely on support from adjacent teeth. If these teeth develop decay, it can compromise the bridge’s stability. Decay is often due to trapped food particles, making good oral hygiene essential.

Gum Disease and Infection

The gums around a dental bridge are prone to plaque buildup, which can lead to gum disease if not managed. Untreated gum disease may cause the bridge to loosen or result in a need for replacement.

Bridge Breakage or Displacement

Dental bridges are durable, but they’re not indestructible. Hard or sticky foods can cause bridges to crack or come loose, leading to additional repairs or replacements.

Bone Loss in the Jaw

One risk with dental bridges, unlike implants, is that they don’t address jawbone stimulation. Without a tooth root or implant to stimulate the bone, the jawbone may shrink or weaken over time, potentially affecting facial structure.

How to Avoid Complications

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Keeping your bridge and surrounding teeth clean is essential. Brush twice a day, use fluoride toothpaste, and don’t forget to floss under the bridge with a special floss threader to remove plaque and trapped food particles.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Dr. Bayette recommends regular dental checkups for dental bridge maintenance. Routine visits allow your San Diego dentist to spot any issues early, such as decay, gum inflammation, or shifting of the bridge.

Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods

Foods like nuts, hard candy, and sticky snacks can damage or dislodge your bridge. Soft, nutritious foods are safer for your dental bridge and can reduce wear and tear over time.

Consider Other Tooth Replacement Options

In cases where a bridge might not be the best fit, consider discussing dental implants with your dentist. Implants can help preserve jawbone structure, potentially lowering the risk of bone loss.

Caring for Your Bridge Over the Long Term

With proper care, dental bridges can last many years. Besides daily brushing and flossing, consider adding an antibacterial mouthwash to your routine to reduce the risk of infection. Let your dentist know if you experience any pain, discomfort, or unusual symptoms, as early intervention can prevent more serious issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Choose Care for a Lasting Dental Bridge

Dental bridges are an effective solution for missing teeth, but they require careful upkeep to stay in top shape. By following proper oral hygiene, making wise dietary choices, and regularly visiting Dr. Bayette, patients in San Diego, Chula Vista, La Mesa, El Cajon and surrounding areas can enjoy the benefits of a dental bridge for years to come. If you’re considering a bridge or experiencing complications, schedule a consultation by calling (619) 901-0708 to ensure you receive the best care possible.
